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== GÉNERO ==
Nota: se recomienda ver los siguientes términos en la [http://www.asexuality.org/wiki AVENwiki en inglés], donde puede que sean actualizados más frecuentemente.

A person's identity, or the sex one feels one should be.
== Índice ==

Gender generally refers to a person's sense of gender identity as a man, woman, or some other gender identity. A person's gender is generally considered to be independent of their physical sex (which refers to their general physical characteristics) and their gender presentation (which refers to whether they engage in behavior or dress in ways socially associated with masculinity or femininity). When a persons gender identity corresponds with a person's physical sex, as male or female, they are considered cisgendered. When the physical sex and gender differ, they may identify as transgender, gender variant, or genderqueer.
If the person is physically intersex, the line for transgender is blurred significantly. It can be thought that any gender an intersex person identifies with could be considered cisgender.

Common Gender identity Labels Include:
- [[Agénero]]

== SEXO ==
- [[Andrógino]]

A person's biological state, decided by genitalia or chromosomes
- [[Bigénero]]

Physical sex (or simply sex) refers to the purely physical aspects of a person's sex, such as genitalia, physical characteristics, chromosomes and naturally occurring hormones. It is distinct from gender, as noted in transgender or genderqueer people.
- [[Cisgénero]]

Ver: Hombre, mujer, intersexual.
- [[Demichica]]

== Agénero ==
- [[Demichico]]
having neither male nor female gender, or not associating with any gender.

Agender (also referred to as "gender-neutral") is a term used to describe a person without gender. This person can be any physical sex, but their body does not necessarily correspond with their lack of gender identity. Often, these people are not concerned with their physical sex, but some may seek to look androgynous. Sometimes, an agendered person is also neutrois.
- [[Generofluido]]

- [[Intergénero]] (= ''Genderqueer'' en inglés)

== Andrógino ==
- [[Neutrois]] (= [[Género neutro]])

Identifying or presenting between male and female in the gender binary.
- [[Pangénero]]

Androgyny is a term describing a person whose gender encompasses both male and female, thus lying somewhere in between the two. Frequently, these people seek to present themselves as ambiguous in their gender to the public. In some people, androgyny is purely devoted to their physical presentation, rather than their gender.
- [[Sin género]]
The androgynous gender identity does not usually correspond to the physical sex, although some intersex people are androgynous.

[http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=es&sl=en&tl=es&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpracticalandrogyny.com%2F Blog sobre el tema].
- [[Transgénero]]

- [[Transexual]]

== Bigénero ==
- [[Transyada]] o Yada

Having a gender identity or expression which is both male and female, either simultaneously or alternating.
- [[MaH]]

Bigender is a term used to describe individuals who identify with both female and male gender, or any pair of genders, either simultaneously or alternating. Though, it may also describe a tendency to move between masculine and feminine gender-typed behavior, depending on context.
- [[HaM]]
It differs from androgyny, an androgynous person generally retains the same behaviors.


== Cisgénero ==
- [[Mujer]]

Cisgender is the term used to describe persons who have a gender that society considers appropriate for the one assigned at birth (usually based on their physical sex).
- [[Hombre]]

== Demichica ==
- [[Intersexual]]
A person whose birth sex is female, and feels more strongly associated with female than male, but not strongly enough to justify an absolute self-identification as female
== Demichico ==
Lo opuesto a demichica.
== Génerofluido ==
Moving between different gender identities or expressions at different times or situations.
Genderfluid is a term to describe a person who moves between genders, but not necessarily all of them. The time between changes can range from years to days. People who identify as such are not confused of their gender, but rather uses this as an identity on it's own.
== Intergénero (''genderqueer'') ==
Genderqueer is a gender identity that describes a person that does not consider themselves cisgender, but may be a mixture of genders, genderless, genderfluid, or elsewhere on the gender continuum or gender sphere. It is used as an umbrella term for people that do not fit under the male or female gender binary.
1) having a gender identity that is self-defined as queer or non-normative (usually falls outside the gender binary).
2) an umbrella term for non-binary gender identities
== Neutrois ==
An agender or neutral-gendered person who may seek to be without the physical characteristics of their sex and to remove gender cues, and who may experience gender dysphoria much like transsexuals.
Neutrois is a term used to describe persons who are agender and also seek to be without the physical characteristics of their sex (e.g. genitalia, breasts, body and facial hair). Some people on the forums may identify as FtN (Female to Neutrois) or MtN (Male to Neutrois) in a similar way that some people in the trans* community identify as FtM or MtF.
[http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=en&tl=es&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fneutrois.me%2F&edit-text= Blog de una persona neutrois.]
== Pangénero ==
having a gender identity or expression that encompasses all the genders, either simultaneously or alternating
transgender: an umbrella term for those who have gender identities trancending the limits of society's conceptualization of gender. Can include non-binary and binary-gender identified people.
== Sin género ==
not having a gender identity.
[Le redirigimos a "Agénero"]
== Transgénero ==
An umbrella term for those who have gender identities trancending the limits of society's conceptualization of gender. Can include non-binary and binary-gender identified people.
Transgender is a category of gender identity, referring to a person whose gender differs from the one assigned at birth (usually assigned based on physical sex). For example, a person could be physically female, and thus assigned the female gender at birth (FAAB), and have a male gender, or vice versa. Genderqueer people are also considered to be transgender.
Transgender people may seek to take hormones to transition their sex toward their gender, and may undergo sex reassignment surgery, in which case they are known as transsexual.
== Transexual ==
An individual who identifies with a physical sex different from the one that assigned at birth.
A transsexual is an individual who identifies with a physical sex differing from the one that they were designated at birth. They are a type of transgender people and may undergo hormone replacement therapy or sex reassignment surgery.
== Transyada o yada ==
On AVEN, a general self-identification for those outside of the gender binary
A Transyada is a transgender/transsexual person who does not fall into the gender binary.
== MaH ==
FtM (or Female-to-Male) is a non-medical term used to refer to a trans man. The term can apply to any trans man who is transgender or transsexual.
Female to male transsexual, trans man. A person who identifies as male, but was assigned a female sex at birth
== HaM ==
(male to female transsexual, trans woman) a person who identifies as female, but was assigned a male sex at birth
HaM (u Hombre-a-Mujer) is a non-medical term used to refer to a trans women. The term can apply to any trans women who is transgender or transsexual.
== Mujer ==
A gender or sex identity (♀)
Female (♀) may refer to the sex of an organism.
Physical characteristics after puberty may include:
* Ovaries
* Breasts
* Wide hips
* Menstruation
* Vulva
* Vagina
* Clitoris
Female also refers to a gender identity.
== Hombre ==
A gender or sex identity (♂)
Male (♂) may refer to the sex of an organism.
Physical characteristics after puberty may include:
Muscular definition
Prominent jawline
Prominent brow
Facial hair
Chest hair
Male also refers to a gender identity.
== Intersexual ==
Having a physical sex which is neither male nor female.
Intersexuality (also known as DSD) is a term describing a person whose physical sex is neither male nor female. It is a broad term, which describes a vast number of conditions that can cause a variety of physical variations. The term "hermaphrodite" is regarded as insulting and deprecated.
Intersexuality may be caused by:
Chromosomal variation
Hormonal variation
Gonadal variation
Physical variation
Or some combination thereof.
Some intersex people are born with ambiguous genitalia. Many of these are subject to sex change operations as a baby, in order to "correct" their sex. Most, nowadays, regard this practice as barbaric[1] and is the subject of protests.
Other intersex people have more subtle conditions that are discovered later in life, including, but not limited to, Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS), Swyer Syndrome and Klinefelter's Syndrome. These are usually chromosomal or genetic.
AIS and Swyer Syndrome are both XY sex reversal conditions, which causes a genetic male, with 46,XY chromosomes, to be born female. In the case of AIS, the girl possesses undescended testes, but does not process testosterone and therefore grows breasts at puberty, while lacking in a great deal of body hair. In the case of Swyer Syndrome, the girl has no functioning gonads. What is there is usually removed upon diagnosis due to its tendency to develop tumours. The girl only gets the first signs of puberty, but it halts, and it is after this that diagnosis is usually made.
In the case of Klinefelter's Syndrome, the person's chromosomes is 47,XXY. This causes the person to be born male, but normally has reduced testicular function, and they sometimes can develop breast tissue. Often, they will take testosterone supplements.
Intersex people may have any gender identity, and may be any sexual orientation.

Revisión actual - 13:25 30 dic 2014

Nota: se recomienda ver los siguientes términos en la AVENwiki en inglés, donde puede que sean actualizados más frecuentemente.



- Agénero

- Andrógino

- Bigénero

- Cisgénero

- Demichica

- Demichico

- Generofluido

- Intergénero (= Genderqueer en inglés)

- Neutrois (= Género neutro)

- Pangénero

- Sin género

- Transgénero

- Transexual

- Transyada o Yada

- MaH

- HaM


- Mujer

- Hombre

- Intersexual